Tour Regulations / English

Our Tour Regulations


Please Read Carefully the followings:

Before Appling our Tour 


The guide tours which our company, Mountain Flow, provide are private tours planned according to client’s order.
During our guide tour, we have full consideration particularly for safety matters.  However, since our activity area is mountain area, intrinsic risks, dangers and hazards associated with such as unpredictable weather, obstacles in natural environments etc. are involved.  Therefore, we are not able to guarantee the completely safety for clients even though guide is accompanied.  During our tour, even if accidents, injury, death are caused, there are cases that we unlikely take all responsibility for the cases.  Therefore, we acknowledge the following conditions.  Before applying for our tour, please read carefully and understand fully the following information. 


Mountain weather is unpredictable in all seasons and is a constant factor that shapes the decisions we make before and during our tours.  It would not be practical for us to refund every situation where our clients do not get the weather conditions they hope for.  We also cannot guarantee that the conditions or weather will allow an attempt of client’s s objective.   We make every effort to develop alternative plans.  We will work diligently to give clients the best experience with the conditions we face at the time.  Also please understand that there are possibilities of changing locations and suspension of tours in certain conditions.


In our tour, we ask clients to come to the meeting spots or the starting points by their own transportation means due to Japanese Law related to transport industry. (Mountain Guides are not allowed to act like a cab driver.) However, due to the matter of activity & fields, there are cases that clients ask guides for ride by their own will.  In this case, please assume that our company and guides do not take any responsibility for car accidents, problems, and the delay.



Booking Conditions     


  • Once you have sent your application form to our mountain guide office and booking is confirmed via email.
  • <A multiple days Tour> A booking is secured with us when making full payment or when a deposit of half tour fee is paid.
  • Once Booking is Issued, cancellation charges will be applied according to the followings;



Cancellation and Refund Policies     


Cancellation made by the Clients                                                     

If you cancel the tour, we will ask for cancellation fee according to provisions. When you need to cancel or change applied tour, please inform us as soon as possible in advance.  The Japanese standard time (GMT + 9:00) is applied. 


< Charging Rate >

  • Any Cancellations                                                                Planning Fee (3,000JPY)
  • From the date of booking upto 60days prior the tour              10% of Tour Fee
  • 59days-30days prior the tour                                                20% of Tour Fee
  • 29days-8days prior to the tour                                              30% of Tour Fee
  • 2days-8days prior to the tour                                                50% of Tour Fee
  • 1day prior to the tour                                                                                                  80% of Tour Fee
  • Departure Day/ No Show                                                      100% of Tour Fee                


  • Please pay all charges such as bank transfer fee, administrative fee involved for the tour.
  • Changing tour dates is also considered as cancellation of the original tour.




In the event that any of the following situation occurs, for which neither the Customer nor the Company is responsible for, before the tour conducted under the Services starts, the tour will be suspended. In such case, no cancellation charge will be applied and all guide fee paid in advance will be returned.


  • When weather is expected too bad to enter mountains or to ski on the day of tour, for example, when warnings (storm, high risk of avalanche, extremely cold temperature) NOTE: We do not guarantee for powder snow, sunny, and visibility. We do not refund the tour fee if weather is not risky to do activities in mountains. Also this judgement is made by a guide (not by clients).


  • When a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, or similar disaster) which could affect the tour occurs.


  • When operation of transportation, which is planned to be used, is expected to be hindered due to a traffic accident or similar facts.



Suspension during the tour/
Other Charges it may occur/
Insurance  etc.


In the event that any of the emergency situations as described above & the followings occurs, and the tour needs to be suspended in the middle of the schedule, the guide fee will not be returned.


  • We are likely to terminate the tour even though on the way when our guides determine that clients need to take medical treatment by doctor due to injuries, diseases and any medical problems occurred. In such cases, we ask clients to follow guide’s indication. Also, please assume that all medical charges and other costs taken for the treatment are not covered by our company.


  • Please assume that we ask clients to cover the charges for helicopter or a charter flight and any other costs taken for the case of natural disaster, weather deterioration, medical problems such as disease and injuries or other reasons.


  • It is highly recommended to ensure that your health plan will cover you in case of illness or accident during your trip. Please confirm your insurance cover the case of international guiding tour and also the case of outdoor activities including mountaineering, backcountry skiing, and so on. Obtain extra coverage if necessary.


  • Please inform us or the guide as soon as possible if you suddenly have any medical problems after applying the tour. We determines whether you are able to participate the tour or not according to concerns for your situation and the contents of the tours etc. However, we do not guarantee the responsibility for any accidents occurred due to client’s medical problems. 


  • Please confirm that we are likely to ask you to cover the costs of repairs and equivalent when you damage or lost the renting equipment or any furnishings belonging to our company.



Disclaimer for Clients   


We do not assume any responsibilities for any damages or loss of client’s belongings.  


Also, we do not assume any responsibilities for the damages caused by natural disasters such as volcanic disaster, landslides, flood etc. and unpredictable disasters such as traffic accidents, war, terrorism, riots, hijacking, theft, fraud, epidemic, and also other problems such as altitude sickness and endemic (incl. prognostic symptom) as well as injury, disability, and damage caused by wild animals, marine livings, insects and fungi such as bear, venomous snake, poisonous bee, jellyfish etc.


Furthermore, we do not take any responsibilities for any accidents and damages happened during out of the tour time.


In case that you file a lawsuit, please understand that it must be done in Hokkaido/Japan.
(Due to Liability Insurance is not paid once you went back to your country.)




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